HAPPY CONAN SUNDAY (it’s still Sunday in the pacific time zone shut up) … have the Gosho Boys as Damekko Doubutsu-esque characters.
Tag: gosho boys
I’m like 30+ minutes late for the day, but I’ll make allowances since it was the technical difficulties that pushed me back from finishing (ex. making sure each piece matches, etc.) OTL.
I want to thank yky, Kiseki, and two others (who didn’t say anything haha. xD;; ) for staying to watch even for a while. I’m sorry that the livestream was a bore, OTL.
Anyways, this is a repeatable pattern, meaning that if you set it on tile, it’ll be pop up nicely. 8’D It is a gift to you all who follow me/ like my work/ etc. So yup~ Feel free to use it~ C:
OMG they’re all so perfect and tiny ;_; <3 how do you do it?!