In Minecraft, I have built a house where I have 18+ cats that fight over who gets to sit on the furnace while it is running. Ahh, this is the life. It may be digital, but at least I don’t have to worry about a credit score when a Creeper destroys everything I’ve spent so much time building in one fell swoop.

Also, the cats like my fancy bathtub… and only like the regular oak chests, not the dark oak chests. 

awake after my nyquil hangover, about to go start christmas dinner (late).

trying to find the saint young men movie to watch, but torrent is taking forever. T-T; does anyone have a better source?


Aaron: is steam working for you?

Me: I will check… how do you open steam… tumblr says you can get left for dead whatever for free today on it… how does steam work… is this steam?

Aaron: yeah… I was going to tell you to download it so we can play together some time since I already have it

Me: it gives me an error code. but look i hAVE A MESSAGE. WHAT IS IT

Aaron: oh steampowered is down, too


and last night:

Mom: I get the idea that you are a…. somewhat reluctant gamer, melissa

Me, trying (and failing) to plug 3ds in: yes yes that is accurate