writing meme

Tagged by @seeingteacupsindragons – thanks! 😀 

Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote in your story/piece of writing and then tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.

There was something about the dark, and having someone so close; an almost sort of anonymous intimacy that let you confess what you couldn’t any other time.

27 people? omg… uhhh

@mamodewberry @anyahatesbunnies @ociannecrinaeae …. idk many of you are writers, please do the thing, I’m falling asleep ;__; everyone do the thing

I’m taking an online illustration course over the next 5 weeks… these were my notes from tonight’s class. 

now I have homework :V what


OHHHHKAY finally done thank goodness. It’s been a while since I’ve  done a pic of the meerkat. And, oddly, I drew the sketch for this like a year ago.. and forgot about it until the other day when I realized I need to be making prints for Confuzzled. Hm!

So there.. you go.