More Confuzzled convention art! 

The celtic knot badger guy was etched into glass tankers, which was super cool and looks best on the real product. Especially when it’s full of ale!

The badger in the forest was for the t-shirt and looks better in digital/print than on t-shirts because I didn’t get to color test for pantone (my bad). I really like the shirt anyway, but it’s apparently very polarizing… some people LOVE it, some people HATE it… and I am okay with that. 😉 The con asked me for something subtle that people could wear outside of conventions, so ta-da! 

FINALLY… the ferret flag! Nall asked me to do this up like… a couple of weeks before the con. He got it made into a giant flag which was then signed by tons and tons of con goers and auctioned off for charity, 100%! Hurray!!! 


OHHHHKAY finally done thank goodness. It’s been a while since I’ve  done a pic of the meerkat. And, oddly, I drew the sketch for this like a year ago.. and forgot about it until the other day when I realized I need to be making prints for Confuzzled. Hm!

So there.. you go.