Doodlebug July #2 (oops I am missing days)

Pushpin and Limerick from my Fishsticks book… though, technically, Pushpin doesn’t show up until book 2, which I haven’t written. He DID find a cookie in the window, though. Aaron suggests that children put it there, and since this is at the huge mansion/hotel, I… I could see that happening.

Also, drawing window blinds… .. .. not my strong point LOL 



Noel is a ghostly white border collie that shepherds a herd of deer in the winter months from the mountain and into the historic cemetery. It’s possible to catch a glimpse of her after midnight on nights that are particularly foggy, but they’re always gone before sunrise. She’s very shy and protective over her herd, and will do anything to defend them. This usually means vanishing if any are startled. 

If you can manage to approach without disturbing the herd and give an offering (usually a bone) to Noel, she may be inclined to sing to you about your future- usually a warning of something to come. 

It’s unclear as to where she came from or when she started haunting the cemetery – but there are reported sightings of a dog in the mist back from the 30s. 

stuff I drew for my book thing

If my current novel, Fishsticks, were an anime… this would be our MC, Salmon. I guess in animeland he actually made the track team instead of failing… nice work, Salmon!

I like how irritated he looks. Cloverkite thinks he looks like ‘Koji’ regrown into high school… maybe trading soccer for basketball. Either way, I approve of this design, even though it’s not canon in either setting! 

More of me not doing what I ought to be doing. This WIP is Chloe and Limerick, characters from Fishsticks, the novel that I’m currently writing. (Also, she doesn’t actually have wings… that’s something about a spell or whatever, or so she tells me. She’s a witch, basically.)

PS how is it 5am already?!