Victor Nikiforov is a financial genius



1. This 2009 article by Johnny Weir on the finances of skating. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD please read this. Skating is not a pile of endless sponsors looking to fling money at you. Notice that Weir says his primary source of income is ice shows. Notice that Weir talks about worrying about paying his electric bill.

2. Victor NIkiforov canonically runs ice shows. He doesn’t just participate in them. He runs them. Remember, “Victor Nikiforov presents Onsen on Ice”? Remember “Victor and Friends” from Yuri!!! on Stage? Victor is at the stage of the game where he runs his own ice shows. That means he doesn’t just get a single paycheck for participating. He gets a cut of the total profit.

TL;DR do not let his heart-shaped smile, his forgetfulness, and his general extraness fool you. This is the Victor who complains about the Euro being too strong. Victor has not survived as undisputed champion of one of the most expensive sports in the world without learning how to maximize his income.

You can pry this headcanon from my cold, dead fingers: Victor Nikiforov is a financial genius.

(The original version of this was an incredibly long screaming thing that reached point 17 and was not yet done. As I am…vaguely aware…that 17 point screaming posts about Victor Nikiforov are Probably Not Of General Interest, I restrained myself. I’m sorry, I just really love him.)

Frankly I would love a 17 point screaming post about Victor Nikiforov… I would like several… but this is good too. I’m so, SO glad I’m not the only one who has this headcanon because it’s A+++

finally went to the doctor. have adnovirus, pink eye, and an ear infection.  got home from the pharmacy with my two antibiotics, took them and some nyquil, then drew this. wow am I sleepy

but look !11 art!!1 see I still draw whew