Also, please tell me your type of protagonist.

My favorite type of protagonist is usually… someone who has a really strong drive, but can’t always express themselves efficiently. Like, they have a pure heart, but their feelings don’t make any sense, so they can’t tell anyone, and that complicates things immensely as they are thrust into a situation where they have a ton of responsibility to handle and stumble all over it while they try to figure out who they are. 

Though, it kind of gets divided into two… I’m always going to end up falling for the angsty/broody one who is burdened by duty and really trying to win for the greater good… or the pure-hearted cinnamon roll who is in so much pain but hiding it behind a smile so they can help others. Bonus points if they fight each other. 😀

These usually come in combos, though, which makes my life super easy. 


…I don’t even know if this helped at all but yeah. 



!!!!!!! OKAY OMG <3 

The first character I first fell in love with: Raphael. Definitely. 

The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: April. I was totally biased against her for the longest time because of the whole “you’re a girl, YOU have to be April” thing, which always ticked me off… but in recent years, esp while analyzing movie #1, I have come to really, REALLY love her. And during our recent 80′s cartoon series rewatch, I only love her MORE. April is amazing. 

The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Hmm… that’s a tough one, since TMNT encompasses so many different universes etc. I used to dislike Mikey (because of the whole ENFP thing), but I’m really fond of him now, too. Maybe Karai? Though, even then, I liked her in the Imagi movie but not in the 2012 series, and only because of her hair… which is a stupid reason to not like someone. And I’m pretty sure that NO ONE likes Venus.

The character I love that everyone else hates: IDK. Can anyone hate Krang? Rocksteady? Bebop? I know Cori hates Casey Jones’ sweatpants, but that’s different. I love them all. Let’s go with Zach.

I love that little guy.

The character I used to love but don’t any longer: *helpless shrug* Even the annoying characters are pretty charming. 

The character I would totally smooch: ALL OF THE TURTLES would get a HUGE HUG and a kiss on the nose and just omg let me love you all my babies <3 

The character I’d want to be like: Leonardo has been a hero of mine for many years, now, and even more as I get older. He tries so hard to do the right thing and has to put up with so much crap for it. ;-; 

The character I’d slap: Vernon, even though I think he’s an amazing character. He’s SUCH A JERK.  

A pairing that I love: Raph and Mona Lisa, despite the age difference. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched Raphael Meets His Match. 

Also, props for Donatello and April in the 2014 show. I am undecided if it would work at all, but it’s so cute and Donnie cares SO MUCH that it hurts. Oh and, Casey/April forever even though April doesn’t need a man… Casey sure needs someone to keep a tight hold on that leash, though… 

A pairing that I despise: I am so incredibly NOT okay with shipping any of the brothers with each other that I will never, ever seek out fan art or fanfics on my own in hopes of avoiding any semblance of it. Which is sad because I know there’s GOOD fanart out there, too, but I just… no. No incest kthanksbye. 

Fandom meme: Magic Kaito~~

GASP. Magic Kaito, not DC? Interesting! Okay, here we go:

The first character I first fell in love with: Hmm… to be honest, I didn’t read any of Magic Kaito until I’d learned that Hakuba was in it, so… Hakuba. But if we’re talking characters that are Not Hakuba, then Akako! 

The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Aoko. It took me a very, very long time to warm up to her, but I do like her now, quite a bit. It took writing her to really understand!

The character everyone else loves that I don’t:  Kaito… straight up Kaito. I have come to enjoy some interpretations of him, and I liked him well enough in the Magic Kaito 1412 show, but there are some freaking annoying things that he does and I HATE HIM IN DC. 

The character I love that everyone else hates: Hakuba, though I think there are more Hakuba supporters out there than I know. 

The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Hmmm… idk I went into the series not liking Kaito, and most everyone else is pretty harmless in the series. 

The character I would totally smooch: Geez. Hakuba or Akako, probably. Though I’d be more likely to hug them. And then I’d hug Aoko. And Keiko. And push Kaito out of a window. 

The character I’d want to be like: Akako is a total bamf, though she does have that whole ‘evil’ streak…   

The character I’d slap: Kaito. Big surprise. 

A pairing that I love: Ugh… I guess I ship Hakuba and Kaito… at least when the Kaito is portrayed correctly… and there is character development… I also like Hakuba and Akako, but only in some settings. 

A pairing that I despise: Despise is pretty strong, but I’m not a fan of Kaito/Aoko… I don’t think he’s good enough for her, and I really think that the attraction is super one-sided. Despite being a perv, Kaito seems very demi at best, and treats Aoko more like a sister. Siblings and super close friends I can 100% get behind, though. 


😀 😀 😀 

The first character I first fell in love with: CHANEL

The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Chanel #3. I thought she was so weird at first.. and I still think she’s weird but I adore her. Also, Denise Hephill from Secure Enforcement Solutions. OMG.

The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Good question. I only know a couple of other people who watched the show, so I’m not sure how to answer this. I’d say Chad, because he’s such a jerk, but he was so well played that even though he’s a horrible human being, he was such a GOOD character…

The character I love that everyone else hates: Grace, probably. Though ‘love’ is such a strong word. 

The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Grace’s dad ended up being so, so strange…

The character I would totally smooch: None of them. 😉 

The character I’d want to be like: Zaday Williams! She accomplished so much and maintained her amazingness throughout the whole thing.  

The character I’d slap: Chad. Definitely Chad. 

A pairing that I love: Zaday and Earl Grey. T~T 

A pairing that I despise: CHANEL AND CHAD. Chanel, you can do better than that!!! 

…it was such a good show. 

Pst. Do Free, cause, we are always free.


The first character I first fell in love with: Haru, of course. He’s just the sort of character that I immediately latch on to. Obviously. 

The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Nagisa, probably. That character type typically annoys the heck out of me, but I ended up really loving him. Thugisa probably had something to do with that…

The character everyone else loves that I don’t: You know, honestly, I think I like everyone in Free! at least as far as canon goes.  There are certain fan interpretations that make me roll my eyes, but no one in the series is great.

The character I love that everyone else hates: Hmm… a lot of people think that Haru is really whiny (he is), but I doubt most people hate him. TBH, I can’t think of anyone that is downright hated… 

The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Everyone has managed to maintain their awesomeness. 

The character I would totally smooch: EVERYONE would get a kiss on the forehead and a hug. They all need it. Precious babies. 

The character I’d want to be like: Rin, maybe.. at least now that he’s calmed the heck down. I admire his confidence and drive, and how he really cares about people. 

The character I’d slap: Momo, probs, and tell him to stop being so grabby.

A pairing that I love: Ugh. All of the. Makoharu, Sourin, Reigisa, etc etc etc… I’m really fond of Kisugou, too, which I guess it p unusual. 

A pairing that I despise: I don’t know. All of the characters are great, though I’m not fond of hate ships… so the whole RinHaru thing is annoying and I like them MUCH better as friends/rivals. Plus if you have Rinharu you can’t have Makoharu and Sourin and that is just a crime. D:< 

Oh I also am strongly opposed to the idea of Kisumi being everyone’s first kiss. Like wtf guys.