What is Epic Conan Fanfic?

Epic Conan Fanfic is the RP/fanfic that my friend cloverkite and I have been writing for the last… gosh, it’s been 5 years, now. It’s well over 300k so far, and we have tons and tons of things planned. She writes half of the cast, I write the other half, and it’s incredibly fun and, as the title suggests, epic. 

The story is actually called The Call of the Raven, but I always call it Epic Conan Fanfic because I still feel like a huge nerd for being so excited about it. 😉 

For the curious, the premise is that Kaito founds out that he and Shinichi are related, and it doesn’t go over very well when he tells Conan. However, after several events, they decide to team up and take down the Organization together.

Ahhh. <3