Kid!Arpakasso & Conan being exquisite. xD;;; asndksjdhks (shootme,I’moverusingthatword.)
Thanks to gabapple and Shineko for the inspiration, and thanks to those who came by to watch my LS~ <33
<3 <3 <3 saving this to my harddrive – FOREVER
Kid!Arpakasso & Conan being exquisite. xD;;; asndksjdhks (shootme,I’moverusingthatword.)
Thanks to gabapple and Shineko for the inspiration, and thanks to those who came by to watch my LS~ <33
<3 <3 <3 saving this to my harddrive – FOREVER
duck Vodka goes pretty well with that pink flamingo Gin I drew ages ago
if I do say so myself
I don’t know why this exists but my life is better for it.
For some reason, this screencap from that one videogame I’ll never ever play, makes me lose my shit, and just laugh really hard for no reason.
He’s either saying smug, or sexual. Smugexual.
Drunk. It’s from all the alcohol he drinks ‘cause he wants to be Shinichi all the time. He’s like “Maybe THIS combination of alcohol and drugs will turn me!”
And then when it works he just goes around being drunk until he passes out and changes back into Conan with a crazy hangover and can’t remember being Shinichi.
Oh Shinichi. Stop being so irresponsible. And stop hitting on Shineko (when you are drunk). CALL US WHEN YOU’RE SOBER.
Happy birthday, Shinichi/Conan! This is all I could manage this year… I am sorry. You deserve so much more. ;___; </3
Glad that his legs aren’t tiny toothpicks anymore. That was kind of freaky.
I couldn’t resist. These are the only ones I could think of at the moment.
Oh! Might I suggest “Flies helicopters, planes, speed boats and cars.” “Dad taught him in Hawaii.”
These never get old!! I love the DCW Gosho ones too. xD
reblogging for reasons 🙂
These will NEVER get old. 😀
I’m like 30+ minutes late for the day, but I’ll make allowances since it was the technical difficulties that pushed me back from finishing (ex. making sure each piece matches, etc.) OTL.
I want to thank yky, Kiseki, and two others (who didn’t say anything haha. xD;; ) for staying to watch even for a while. I’m sorry that the livestream was a bore, OTL.
Anyways, this is a repeatable pattern, meaning that if you set it on tile, it’ll be pop up nicely. 8’D It is a gift to you all who follow me/ like my work/ etc. So yup~ Feel free to use it~ C:
OMG they’re all so perfect and tiny ;_; <3 how do you do it?!
Curry Rice!!!! 😀