Me: I wish they’d release even just the subs for more Conan season sets.. I’d be all over buying ’em up.
Aaron: Even the first five that we’ve already purchased 3 times now?
Me: Well, no, we don’t have to rebuy…
Aaron: What if they were totally uncut/uncensored?
Me: …. …. …. … …. hhhhffffffff
Aaron: Goodbye money~

Doodles and Dreams: Calling all North American Detective Conan fans:

Doodles and Dreams: Calling all North American Detective Conan fans:




That she understood what he said is amazing. Probably only because of all his blushing. If he’d been all Darcy about it, she’d be like “What?”

I have a hunch something similar might occur in a certain other series many years from now…considering there’s another character who’s made a similar awkward sounding confession.


Awww, but in both cases it’s kind of utterly adorkable, emphasis on DORK.  In both cases, they equate the one proposed to to their actual raison d’etre.

Liked for the photo set, reblogged for the comments. I love you guys. <3

I may not have finished my comics yet (they are most assuredly started), but I DID finish a commission today. One of many that must be done ASAP. And look, just in time for Conan Sunday! (It’s still Sunday somewhere, I promise). 

Ahem. Kaito and Hakuba. Being adorable. Just for Clover Kite, who is wonderful and patient and always drawing me things.

The plot: Kaito steals Hakuba’s pretentious ipod to find out what he’s listening to… and finds that he can’t understand the lyrics ‘cause Hakuba enjoys British pop on his bitter days. It reminds him of home.

The song in question is this (NSFW):