Write 10 pages in one go, holy shit, my hands won’t stop moving, Imma get this fic done in like 2 hours WUT
I forgot how to English, oh god, write one sentence, watch 3 movies, write another sentence, the ideas are there but they just won’t come out how the frick do I end this, this Word Document has been open for over a week WELP
but I have no one to blame for this of course; I talk about nostalgia and depression a lot when it comes to music, how I ~can’t~ do it anymore because of the ~time and commitment~ I need in order to do music the way I want, but in the end I have everything I need and if I actually cared enough, I should have done so much more than mourning my loss while my piano dry up in a corner like a coffin to its sound
Someone who hasn’t seen Steven Universe needs to caption this.
day four of comic con
no it’s me wondering why no one will tag their steven universe stuff OMG
So I’m not dead, but I am so tired and sore, and still cold. We went through all of our movies, though, and took photos so I’ll post those soon. Books will come tomorrow, I think… video games and CDs after that… then toys… This is going to be a long process. T_____T;;;;
Holy moly… most of the cons I’ve applied for in the past few months to sell at have been overly full, no chance of me getting a table. :I ;;;
So far I only have one con booked this year… which I mean, a break is a really good idea, but geez. I can’t really sell if I can’t get in… and if I can’t get a table, there’s no way I can justify going to the con.
Not that I can afford it even with table sales right now, but c’mooonnn…
Guess who can’t seem to stop drawing space pilot Shinichi bunny?