
I have 2 moods when writing.

  • Write 10 pages in one go, holy shit, my hands won’t stop moving, Imma get this fic done in like 2 hours WUT
  • I forgot how to English, oh god, write one sentence, watch 3 movies, write another sentence, the ideas are there but they just won’t come out how the frick do I end this, this Word Document has been open for over a week WELP



James Rhodes – Is that not worth exploring?

my heart is in pieces

but I have no one to blame for this of course; I talk about nostalgia and depression a lot when it comes to music, how I ~can’t~ do it anymore because of the ~time and commitment~ I need in order to do music the way I want, but in the end I have everything I need and if I actually cared enough, I should have done so much more than mourning my loss while my piano dry up in a corner like a coffin to its sound

So I’m not dead, but I am so tired and sore, and still cold. We went through all of our movies, though, and took photos so I’ll post those soon. Books will come tomorrow, I think… video games and CDs after that… then toys… This is going to be a long process. T_____T;;;; 

Holy moly… most of the cons I’ve applied for in the past few months to sell at have been overly full, no chance of me getting a table. :I ;;;

So far I only have one con booked this year… which I mean, a break is a really good idea, but geez. I can’t really sell if I can’t get in… and if I can’t get a table, there’s no way I can justify going to the con.

Not that I can afford it even with table sales right now, but c’mooonnn…