more headcanon

I’ve been watching Conan episodes all night… and man there are a LOT of episodes that show Conan or flashbacks of Shinichi actively playing with or being interested in various critters… mostly dogs and cats. He seems to get along with them very well. 

I bet Yusaku said that animals were pointless and a waste of time and money. u_u Poor little Shinichi… 

A little Conan doodle I did today. Aaron and I were joking with our boss about domain spellings, which is where ‘detexiv’ comes from.

Happy birthday, Shinichi/Conan! This is all I could manage this year… I am sorry. You deserve so much more. ;___; </3

Waiting image used on the Detective Conan World Podcast (LIVE) that took place last night. This is the textless version, for your downloading pleasure! It’s currently the background on my phone and computer. <3 So cheerful. 

All I can take credit for is the background elements and styling. Conan came from a screencap found on google. I just cut him out and made the thing pretty.

That concludes all of the new asks from today! I also drew answers to most of the older asks in my box, which I’ll post over the next week or so. ^o^ For now, please enjoy these Conan heads!

“I will now explain why I am always right.”

I bet you guys are wondering why I ever quit animation, huh?!?! 😉