And then I did a comic of Vitya and Rafe, also from the flashback, because… I’m putting off writing for some reason. 



someting for a friend

i just want to say, for people reblogging this, that this is called the “rule of thirds” and the tips i wrote here by no means are things that you HAVE to do! these are just tips i use for myself, i kind of made up the bubble rule and i dont even know if im using the rule right haha so there theres that! i just like to use it so i know my bubbles have a place to go


examples of me using rule of thirds to separate elements in “Rachael and Penny”

i got the information a long time ago from a thread on penciljack called Storytelling 101, specifically this image

there is tons of information on rule of thirds available, i know eyecager has a post that dips into it ….

Dangerous Cute return this friday! Go see the fancy new website that I made, read the FAQ, and… uh… advertize via project wonderful for little to no money because I just barely started a campaign!!

Coming soon:

  • More art in the gallery
  • New strips (obviously)
  • A patreon campaign?!
  • Links to other fantastic comics and artists!


just a little body talk comic.

i have so many more opinions about this topic than can fit in a tiny, nine panel comic.

frick I aspire to be like this girl

I hope I can figure out how to have the confidence to do this because holy heck it would be nice to not hate myself just because I’m overweight

I mean really


I am finally going to take the advice I keep getting and not worry about making up the backlog of the comic… and instead focus on just updating once a week on schedule. I have lots of comics that I’ve already drawn, so the goal is to get those ready to make a nice healthy queue. 

Less stress. Just gotta update once a week.

Thanks for all of the support so far, guys! I will resume regular updates next week.