ask-zaukodar replied to your post: “Woke up from another nightmare about being robbed. Drenched in sweat,…”:

*gives all the hugs in the world* A dog wouldn’t be a bad idea. If there’s anything I can do to help, just ask?

*hughughug* x__x I have never understood why those breed selectors ask about a person’s need for a guard dog until now. One of my cats will hide under the bed if something bothers him, but that doesn’t really help me in the middle of the night. They just sort of flop over. A dog would at least let me know that something was going on…  

chrysalis-army replied to your post: “Woke up from another nightmare about being robbed. Drenched in sweat,…”:

Its been 14 years and i still wake up being afraid my house is going to burn to the groumd again :/ this sort of thibgs dong go over so easy v.v

Ohmannn that is horrible. ;__; I can only imagine. Ughh nooo cling hug love on <3 

yukitsukihana replied to your post: “Woke up from another nightmare about being robbed. Drenched in sweat,…”:


*hughughug* x__x;; thankyou