Why are you so gorgeous??? I spent 2 Minutes on your blog and…. HOW ARE YOU DOING, CINNAMON ROLL?

AEUHHM! I don’t know if I am really qualified to be classified as gorgeous, or a cinnamon roll, given that I am in fact quite devious and all, but thank you. ;o; 

As for your other questions:

I think a little warrior hawkuba would be adorable. I would definitely draw that at some point, though honestly, I think he’s more like a cheetah or golden retriever in terms of spirit. Hawks, like most predatory birds, are solitary and not at all affectionate. I imagine that Watson and Hakuba share a deep, mutual respect and trust each other, but there’s very little in the way of cuddling. And my Saguru, at least, is far more eager to make human connections with people.

But again, thank you for the compliments. 🙂 I’m so glad you enjoy my blog!

Sorry that I took my Hakuba-specific one down aha.