

This will not apply to all art professionals (and certainly should not be taken as good advice by some) but it won’t hurt them either. All this message has to do is help decrease the number of “I’ll pay you in publicity” offers from people who are trying to sell ice to [Inuit], so to speak. Maybe it might even result in a few more artists getting paid for their work?

“You don’t pay IN publicity, you pay FOR publicity.”


Reblogging this for all my fellow freelancers!
(Unfortunately, we are unable to feed our cats in publicity.)


I decided to make an art (mainly digital art) masterpost with all my bookmarks since they were starting to become a huge mess. It has some other stuff too… I’m doing this for me but maybe someone finds this stuff useful too:-) xx

Art blogs

Animation blogs 


Digital Art blogs 

Digital Drawing Tutorials

Digital Drawing brushes 

Traditional Art Drawing Tutorials

Drawing Reference

Youtube accounts with tutorials & speed-painting

Pinterest is great for inspiration! (awesome art boards)

SO instead of writing tonight, I made a finally made a time lapse video from one of my livestreams a couple of weeks ago. It’s SMUG CONAN! sped up 16x, so it’s only 3 minutes instead of an hour and twenty minutes. 8D

please enjoy~ I have TONS of these raw videos just sitting here, waiting for me to edit and speed up…

also, wow, youtube has a ton of music you can just use on your videos for free. Swanky?



Noel is a ghostly white border collie that shepherds a herd of deer in the winter months from the mountain and into the historic cemetery. It’s possible to catch a glimpse of her after midnight on nights that are particularly foggy, but they’re always gone before sunrise. She’s very shy and protective over her herd, and will do anything to defend them. This usually means vanishing if any are startled. 

If you can manage to approach without disturbing the herd and give an offering (usually a bone) to Noel, she may be inclined to sing to you about your future- usually a warning of something to come. 

It’s unclear as to where she came from or when she started haunting the cemetery – but there are reported sightings of a dog in the mist back from the 30s. 

stuff I drew for my book thing