*re-reads my own story*: Damn this is some good shit
*gets to the part where I stopped writing*: WTF WHERE’S THE REST OF IT HOW DO I GET MORE
Brain: You’re the author, if you want more you have to write it
Me: *flips tables*
political comics that are just kids holding books and going “what’s this?????? not a electronic? no computer???not phone?? how can be??” will always crack me up
I think old people do this just to feel better about themselves because they don’t know how to use a computer and think that it works the other way around for some reason.
honestly i think the secret to staying happy in fandom is to take no shit, spread no shit, and find your people. don’t get too invested that you can’t laugh at it all sometimes, and don’t seek out negativity. the more you look for a pattern of ugliness in an assortment of people who all happen to like the same thing, the more you’ll find it. if you try to be positive, considerate, and empathetic, fandom will reflect that back at you.
Write 10 pages in one go, holy shit, my hands won’t stop moving, Imma get this fic done in like 2 hours WUT
I forgot how to English, oh god, write one sentence, watch 3 movies, write another sentence, the ideas are there but they just won’t come out how the frick do I end this, this Word Document has been open for over a week WELP