




Oh man, guys, I really like this book I’ve written.

I had to reread that because I have never seen a writer say that ever and as a writer I envy you.


There are so many comments on this post to this effect.

Dude! writers, artists, do what you need to do to gain objectivity and feel satisfaction for what you’ve done!

Art as pain and pain as art and the Eternal Dissatisfaction of the Poignant Creator™ is so 19th century. 

Creating the art you wish you could see in the world but don’t, and then being fucking PSYCHED when you’ve done it™ is very 2018.

My love for this post tripled when I noticed who the op is.

Holy shit thats Maggie stiefvater

A classic Paddington and a classy Paddington (in more my style) 

if you haven’t seen the recent Paddington movies, please do yourself a favor and remedy this immediately. They’re both incredible and deserve their ultra positive ratings (98%/100%) on rotten tomatoes. 

bonus initial sketch from classic Paddington: