



When somebody says that “a man likes to feel like a man,” all I hear is “A man likes to feel superior to you and it’s your job to make him believe it.” 

Someone said this to me once, that a man needs to feel like a man, I replied “well I’m not stopping him” and had to watch this fragile creature try to explain to me that my strong personality could demean men.

Like, if I have to pretend you are a strong man and cater to that then clearly you’re not that strong dude.

“if I have to pretend you are a strong man and cater to that then clearly you’re not that strong dude.”

bolded for those in back

I bought a new sharpener today and got new pencils earlier this week. I also got a helluvalotta sparkly mod podge. FurCon is next month. 

>:O Convention preparation is nigh! My pencil sharpener is AWESOME.


ok so there was this post talking about how boys love flowers too and no one ever gets them any or like cares,,
SO we were doing awkward icebreakers in class and i decided to ask the guy next to me what his favorite flower was (half expecting him to say wut idk??) and he looked at me with a huge smile and said sunflowers and i think we should all just raise awareness that boys like flowers too


So I’ve been seeing a lot of posts worrying about Yuuri’s mental state in episode 9 due in part to Yakov taking over as his coach for a day. A lot of people seem to think that Yakov is going to use the opportunity to take advantage of Yuuri’s “mental weakness” as he puts it to sabotage his FS and I really don’t think this is going to be the case. 

Keep reading

>:( what makes me mad about this is people assuming that Viktor would be so naive and stupid. Like… really guys… do you think he is that dense…? 


((( this is such a good analysis though like seriously thank you for writing it A++ )))