

just in case we all forgot how insane the Cards Against Humanity people were

That is a 20 pesos bill, roughly 1 dolar. Do you know what you can do with it in Mexico ?

-You can buy roughly 3 kilos (almost 7 pounds) of potatoes.

– You can buy 3 liters (roughly 3 quarts) of brand name soda.

– In Mexico City you can ride the metro 4 times.

– You can get 2 full meals at community dinners.

– You can buy a loaf of brand bread.

– You can get up to a Kilo (around 18 pieces) of egg

– 1.5 kilos of corn tortilla

Plus, some other things with the added bonus that the bill depicted is of the newer ones that are waterproof

The Types as Character Tropes


Based on stereotypes, duh.

INTP: Absent-Minded Professor, Erudite Stoner, Gadgeteer Genius, Reluctant Mad Scientist, This Is Your Brain On Evil

INFP: The Anti-Nihilist, Byronic Hero, Because You Were Nice to Me, The Dark Side Will Make You Forget, Not-So-Harmless Villain

ISTJ: The Reliable One, Unfazed Everyman, Cloudcuckoolander’s Minder, Loyal to the Position, Obstructive Bureaucrat

ISFJ: Yamato Nadeshiko, Humble Hero, Tranquil Fury, Churchgoing Villain, Love Makes You Evil

ENFJ: The Paragon, The Chooser of the One, Warrior Therapist, Soap Box Sadie, Psycho Psychologist

ENTJ: The Leader, Cultured Badass, Seme, The Corrupter, Visionary Villain

ESTP: Determinator, Ace Pilot, Da Editor, Blood Knight, Corrupt Bureaucrat

ESFP: Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot, Plucky Office Girl, Obfuscating Stupidity, Hidden Depths, The Ophelia

INTJ: The Spock, Tin Man, Aloof Big Brother, The Chessmaster, Evilutionary Biologist

INFJ: Hurting Hero, Hermit Guru, Zen Survivor, Living Emotional Crutch, Knight Templar

ISTP: Warrior Poet, Street Samurai, The Hunter, Because I’m Good At It, Then Let Me Be Evil

ISFP: All-Loving Hero, Hero’s Muse, Determined Defeatist, Granola Girl, Mad Artist

ESTJ: The Captain, The Ace, Nerves of Steel, Corrupt Corporate Executive, Egomaniac Hunter

ESFJ: Crusading Lawyer, The Social Expert, A Father to his Men, Nerd Nanny, Evil Matriarch

ENTP: Bunny-Ears Lawyer, Trickster Mentor, Knowledge Broker, Cool Loser, It Amused Me

ENFP: The Pollyanna, Manic Pixie Dream Girl, Allergic to Routine, The Wonka, Revenge Before Reason



i want to run away…but like in ghibli movie. like i take a block of cheese a loaf of bread and some apples and wander through the flower-specked mountains wrapped up in a shawl and i happen to wander into a moving castle and fall in love with a cute wizard

me (deep in the woods, dragging dufflebag of Kraft Singles™

 and hopelessly lost): where’s totoro





@bitcherovas @tchaikovskaya

like didnt Iconic Liberal Philosopher john green say something once about how “cancer isnt the bad guy, cancer is just trying to survive and its competing for resources with you” like thats a fundamental misunderstanding of what cancer even fucking IS you pseudointellectual douche……. GOD!!!!! FUCK LIBERALS

i thought this was a joke but jesus christ


I wanted to get all mad and ranty about the difference between an author saying something as themselves and an author writing dialog as a character in fictional narrative, but then Aaron was like “just… don’t…” and I just



oh right I’m not supposed to waste my time on this fffffffffff