• hyperfocus until u die
• unless u actually need to focus, in which case: no
• “if you cared, you’d remember”
• bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce
• “just write a note for yourself!”/“just get organized!”
• casual interests??? those aren’t real
• forgot to eat for three days oops
• time is a man-made construct and nothing is real
• when ur brain won’t shh so u can sleep
• “but ur so smart!!1” ok what’s ur point
• talking about a hyperfixation and ur very !!!!!! but ur audience seems uninterested and u get Sad™
Category: Uncategorized
Tips on Drawing Hands Tutorial
Hope this is helpful!
Callout post for people who use the word ‘thot’
Folks, I need to warn you
I’ve been seeing a sudden surge of use of the word ‘thot’ and I’m concerned
We’ve recently seen at least one ancient Egyptian deity resurrected through meme magic
Thoth is a significantly more powerful member of the pantheon than Kek and the consequences of summoning him may be even more drastic than the rebirth of Kek (Brexit, Trump winning the election, a series of celebrity deaths)
The phrase ‘return the bones thot’ radiates an obvious mystical power and it may herald that Thoth will come to preside over 2017 as Kek has presided over 2016 – the bones possibly refer to the millions of mummified ibises buried in his honor at his main temple in Khmun, by reblogging that post you may be unknowingly beseeching this ancient and powerful being to repay the thousands of years of sacrifices humanity once offered him – what form that might take, we can only speculate
Although it’s possible that Thoth has been with us for a while – his name in Greek letters is Θώθ, which is clearly referenced in the ‘OwO what’s this?’ meme
As the inventor of both magic and science and keeper of all wisdom, Thoth assuredly does know what ‘this’ is, but I’m not sure we want to find out
I’m also concerned that Thoth’s wife Ma’at may be connected to the frequent seemingly compulsive and superfluous use of the word ‘mate’ or ‘m8′ in memes
Please be careful with your memes, they may hold hidden arcane power
This is funny af on its own, but the fact that so many people reblogging it with no clue it’s satire – for at least 3-4 completely different reasons – makes it even funnier.
Working on this fanfic project has been extremely therapeutic and educational.
“But Gab,” you might say. “Why aren’t you putting those hours into an original project that you can actually sell later?”
Because anxiety, my dear friend. The pressure sets up fences. I need the practice. This is a good way to get it. I know I’m just “throwing these words away,” and it doesn’t matter. I know that going in and it’s a-okay. I can experiment and try new things and murder my darlings as much as I need to, ‘cause it’s not going to an agent or editor anyway.
Because fun. It’s not about the money. Sometimes I just really want to write because it’s hella entertaining, and pre-existing works present unique challenges (”how do I write a story with what we’ve been given, since the original writer really screwed x, y, z up? HOW DO I EXPLAIN THIS IN CONTEXT AND FILL IN THE GAPS?”), and hey, a built-in audience to throw it to for feedback and critique certainly doesn’t hurt at all.
…no one’s actually said anything to me about it this time around, but yknow.
Never Look Away: Chapter 3
Crying Wolf
Winning gold at the European Championships and again at Worlds isn’t enough to keep the wolves at bay, and Viktor finds himself slipping deeper and deeper into despair. Every waking moment is consumed by existential crisis and wandering thoughts of the boy who just walked away from skating forever.
… Or did he?
A viral video says otherwise, and that changes everything.
Finally posted!
…have I mentioned that I usually write in first person and my chapters are almost never longer than 2k? What am I doing???
Good morning, Utah!
some things i, a twenty-something, am still learning and hope y’all teenagers can learn way faster than me:
nobody gets to dictate to you what you like and why
other people’s opinions are theirs, not gospel that you should accept no matter how loud they are
being critical of something doesn’t mean you can’t love it, and loving something doesn’t mean you can’t criticize it
make your own judgement calls and decisions, based on your own set of criteria. be courteous and respectful, but not a doormat, not a wibbly wimp whose decisions and interests change with whatever everyone else says
two people can disagree and still have the highest respect for each other
you are allowed to cut people out of your life if their opinions and beliefs are harmful to you
you are allowed to be angry and sad and feel negative emotions. you’re allowed. they’re normal and you aren’t broken or rebellious or ungrateful for feeling those things
you can’t control your emotions, but you CAN control your behavior, and how you behave informs people around you how to treat you
no person, no movie, no tv show, no book, no ANYTHING is perfect. don’t let the imperfections spoil the experience for you if you enjoy the thing. be mindful, be critical, walk away if you have to, but expecting perfection and getting violently upset when it lets you down is unhealthy and you’ll spend your entire life miserable
self-care and recovery go hand in hand. recovery isn’t easy. recovery isn’t pretty. recovery is necessary and tiring and so, so worth it
you set your own pace. compare yourself only with your former self, not with anyone else, because you don’t know other people’s limitations and privileges as well as you know your own and comparison is worthless
loving yourself is an everyday journey, not a destination
Nahhh they actually made 2016 into a horror movie LOOOOOOOOL ???
This explains so much…