I took this question really seriously, so I asked my parents to help me answer this. Here is what my dad said:
Here is what my mom said:
Here is what I say:
First of all, I am sorry for referring to you as “kid” to my folks. It was just a shorthand I used for them to understand in a simple way that I think you are someone younger than they are. They are professors/teachers, and are often tasked with communicating effectively with young people. (also, sorry if my dad misgendered you? I guess kid = boy in his head)
Next: Yes. To what my parents said. When I feel helpless I often turn to them because they are so blisteringly smart and compassionate, and if I seem strong and like I have all the answers, it’s because I come from an incredibly supportive family. I wanted to share that with you.
- Furthermore, staying informed in the time of “alternative facts” is an act of resistance. Knowing is half the battle. There’s an app called Countable that will keep you informed of the latest developments in your local government and issues you care about.
- Because our representatives are firmly planted in the last century, online activism doesn’t cut through the noise to them—but phone calls do. Here is a website called 5calls.org that helps you make those calls with a script, and is especially effective if you (like me) have social anxiety.
- Here is a great “Stop Trump” reading list that @batlordart compiled.
- Don’t focus on a mountainous goal like “stopping Trump” and instead expend your energy on things that will make you happier and healthier.
- Thriving is our first act of resistance.
- Don’t despair. I could vibrate with the conviction of how fiercely I believe it: we will get through this.
Is your mother a descendant of Nietzsche?
i will let you know
Category: Uncategorized
Can we please put all of them on a runway? I just got my life
Thank you, ladies. Please more of this.You all look amazing.
Maybe if there was I wouldn’t hate myself so freaking much.
“millennials and their selfies are so ridiculous, i hate this “me culture”!!” in ancient rome it was perfectly acceptable to have your likeness painstakingly molded into bronze or carved into stone and then to display it in the common room of your house alongside the portraits of your ancestors so that everyone who came in could see it, and today we put these portraits on show in museums for everyone to see as an example of ancient art, but okay
What Fanfic Writers Are Like
Readers: We’d really like an update.
Writers: Yeah me too.
Back then, Yuri thought Viktor will never see colors because he would never fell in love with him.
November 14th.
In the coffee shop,
the man in the
Make America Great Again hat
smiles at me, so I take this
as an invitation.“Pardon me, but I have to ask—
do you think Trump’s
ideologies keep every person
in this country safe?“He doesn’t hesitate.
“Ma’am, I can’t get wrapped up
in identity politics, all I can
worry about is how
I’m going to feed my girls.”///
At my 40th birthday party,
an acquaintance asks
why we have “so much
Mexican art in the house.”“It might be because I’m Mexican,” I say.
“No,” he laughs, “you’re not Mexican.”
“Yes. I am.”
“No,” he continues, reassuringly,
“and if you are, you’re only, maybe, 17%.“The winter air stiffens between us.
An old, familiar pain.///
There was a time when I
would have thanked him.The early years,
when I wanted only to pass,
to rid myself of my last name—
the dead giveaway,
its muddy lineagecrawl out from the burying shame
that held me down every time
my father picked me up
from school in our shitty car,
his bushy mustache
& brown face
magnified by the sun.///
A local white woman
posts a photo of her new tattoo:
a Mayan god etched eternal
on her flesh. When I point out
the disrespect, she assures me
she speaks Spanish fluently,
spent three years
in South America.For the next six hours,
I argue with her friends.
They demand I quit being so
divisive. Judgemental. Close-minded.“We have a racist running for President,
and you’re complaining about a tattoo?”
asks the white boy, who spray paints
murals all over this city
with impunity.O, to be permitted the luxury
of only worrying about one thing at a time.O, to be white in America,
to wake up knowing every god is your god.///
When you never see yourself,
you search for yourself all the time.You know the white girl
in the sombrero isn’t you.
The bro dude in Calavera makeup
isn’t either, not the ponchos
and glued on mustaches,
not the lowrider Chevy
in the Disney movie
or the hoochie-coochie
sex pot on the Emmy
award-winning television show.Maybe you are only this:
the scorched bird pulled
from the chimney,
covered in soot.
Not the actual bird,
its velvet sack
of jigsaw’d bones,
but the feeling
of recognition.The ash of knowing.
A white comedian tells this joke:
“I used to date Hispanics,
but now I prefer consensual.”The audience laughs.
And you do, too.
Until the punchline hardens,
translates into a stone
in your throat.You swallow it, like you always do.
You don’t change the channel,
but you also can’t remember
a single joke she tells after that.A few months later, the comedian’s career
blows up. She’s so real. So edgy.
Such a hardcore feminist.
When someone writes an essay on
her old stand-up routines—
noting her blindspot when it comes to race,her response is:
“It is a joke and it is funny.
I know that because people laugh at it.”///
If two Mexicans are in a car, who is driving?
A police officer.How do you starve a Mexican?
Put their food stamps in their work boots.What’s the difference between a Mexican and an elevator?
One can raise a child.What do you call a Mexican baptism?
Bean dipHow do you stop a Mexican from robbing your house?
Put a help wanted sign in the window.What do you call a Mexican driving a BMW?
Grand theft autoWhat do you call a Mexican without a lawnmower?
UnemployedWhat do you call a building full of Mexicans?
JailHow do you keep Mexicans from stealing?
Put everything of value on the top shelf.What do you call a bunch of Mexicans running downhill?
A mudslide.Why don’t Mexicans play Hide ’n Seek?
No one will look for them.What does a Mexican get for Christmas?
Your TV.What do you call the Arizona man shot to death
by his white neighbor, screaming, “Go back to Mexico!”
Juan Varela///
November 29th.
For weeks, I’ve avoided
eye contact with strangers.
My face is a closed curtain.
My mouth, the most
decorated knife.
I pay for groceries,
grab the receipt &
let my half-hearted
thank yous trail like smoke.
I no longer want to see
who refuses to see me.Anyone is everyone.
December 1st.
I keep waking up.
There isn’t anyone
white enough to stop me.Pantomime the living until
the body remembers:
wicked bitch. Bloodwhirl.
Patron Saint of the Grab Back.Still. Still. Still. Still. Still. Still here.
I etch my own face upon my wicked flesh.
I am my own devastating god.Rachel McKibbens, Dec. 2016
Talking about cats, this one just got her koi for this year. I wish you every year to be like that cat 年年有鱼
Photography by 镜视眼88
That cat is a very skilled little fisher.
Btw that’s both a visual and a literal Chinese pun and I’m literally laughing so hard right now (my parents say this every year) and I want everyone to understand this.
Here’s the two phrases you’ll need to know:
年年有鱼 (nián nián you yú) – “(I wish you have) fish every year”
年年有余 (nián nián you yú) – “(I wish you have) extra every year”
– this is a common blessing used in ChinaBoth the 鱼 and 余 characters sound exactly the same and here’s where the pun comes in.
Every Lunar New Year, as good luck, we eat “fish” so that we can “have fish every year”. In other words, we’re eating fish so that we can have extra every year.
Extra what, you ask? Extra everything! Extra money in the bank, extra food on our tables, extra happiness, etc, etc. It’s like an all-around blessing. Very kind and used often during Lunar New Year.
The cat has already gotten her “extra” (fish) for the year so the blogger is wishing you “fish” (extra) every year ^^
finally someone explained it, thank you<3
idk I’m weak to Viktor and his pretty hair
time for bed
anyway i bought pokemon moon the other day and its been a really emotional time ever since