*pulls up to the fanfic drive-thru window* uh yeah, i’ll take a fake relationship with a side of mutual pining and thinking the other isn’t interested, thanks
#*bored author’s voice over the tannoy* d’you want fluff with that? (via @amarriageoftrueminds)
#sure and if you can throw in an extra “sharing one bed” trope, that would be great.
How much is it to supersize to smut?
So if you get smut and fluff from a drive thru where do you go for angst and dark?
That you order from the guy in the trenchcoat in the alley.
“You want angst? I got angst”*sticks my withered goblin paw out from under the bed* psst kid i got ‘they both think the other one is dead for like seven chapters’
Reader: “How much will that be?”
Author: “Just a comment. Please for the love of God leave a comment.”
“Do you take fanart?”
Do we take fanart of course we take fanart we turn into big puddles of delighted goo for fanart
Category: Uncategorized
I wanted to draw Kait… who is brewing love spells for herself. To use. On girls. At school.
…bad Kait. That’s trouble.
I love him.
all right. I never did get back to my novel last year, but this year will be different. We’re definitely gonna finish up NLA, and then it’s back to The Hauntening. >:O So here is my first drawing of 2k18: Salmon and Limerick.
long time no bunnichi
Chapter 24: The Golden Ratio is now up!
Returning to Hasetsu alone is difficult for Viktor, even though he’s grateful for Yuuri’s sacrifice. With Makkachin in recovery, and Yuuri still a week out from returning home, Viktor’s left alone with his thoughts and much too much time on his hands to worry… which is never good for someone with wolves of anxiety nipping at his heels.
Never Look Away: the YOI companion novel with 100% more Viktor PoV and backstory!
AKA v 2.0: The ‘almost-canon-but-not-quite’ AU
AKA v 3.0: The Yuri on Ice companion novel with real world prejudice, past relationship abuse, and major depression/anxiety.Mature / WiP / ~278k
In NLA, Yakov has taken Vitya out to breakfast every year on his birthday since he was 8 years old. Russian Nationals made that super easy. Little Vitya always loved watching his seniors perform. Best birthdays w/ Papakov. ;A;
We dont actually have any say but @melanieatwater and I decided this vine is canon youtube.com/watch?v=d6gBu2…
Chapter 23: Resilience is now up!
Yuuri sends Viktor off to Japan to be with Makkachin and continues the Rostelecom Cup without him. Will that be an added pressure to war or not?
Never Look Away: the YOI companion novel with 100% more Viktor PoV and backstory!
AKA v 2.0: The Almost-Canon-but-not-quite-AU
AKA v 3.0: The Yuri on Ice companion novel with real world prejudice, past relationship abuse, and major depression/anxiety.Mature / WiP/ ~ 264k
the first thing little brat Yuri did when he got to Saint Petersburg was buy cat #2, Nata, with that sweet, sweet, government money.