

Most people, when talking to you, are only talking to their perception of you.

This may not always be accurate.

Their perception of you is altered by their own history, tendencies, opinions etc.

They will alter their perception of you to fit their reality and feelings.

You have to be okay with this. You may also do it to other people, but try not to.

Remember that memories are not entirely accurate and your mind can and will skew them so that they fit in your chosen paradigm.

I’m saying this because there are people who will not be able to deal with you, no matter what, who seem to remember or recall a completely different person when dealing with you.

Don’t stress. That’s on them. Be you. Don’t aim to hurt feelings. Be nice. Care about people.

But understand that people are going to see you differently than you see you, and sometimes the person that they see is largely someone they made up.

Don’t get bent out of shape about it. It’s just the way things are. You exist beyond someone else’s perception.

This is still true.