Minor correction, Never Look Away Chapter 10: “more subtle weedling out of information” -> “wheedling”. Weedle is the Pokémon.

Hey, I love weedle. They turn into Beedrill and are super good at stabbing people. (I am not even going to contest the error; it definitely sounds like one my pokemon-loving butt would make.)

….If people are correcting our spelling/grammar, does that mean that we’ve FINALLY MADE IT?!?!?!??! 🙂 

‘Cause I find errors in our chapters constantly, no matter how many times we go over it. Especially when it comes to formatting. Holy crap. I found a bunch of them today when I was rereading ch 17 for reference and I was just running my hands down my face like “nooooooo whyyyyyyyyy” – so you’ve really got your work cut out for you, anon.

(but thank you all the same)