What sort of projects are you working on right now?

Oh man, tons. Here’s a quick overview:


– tons of them, just need to get them all… .. finished… and like, out in the mailbox and stuff. Plus I gotta do more icon streaming and things.

The Comic

– Going to get the book ready to print for this spring, and the new website all put together. Schedule will stay as-is, but hopefully with a backlog built up so I won’t be late anymore.


– Most of the cons I’m going to I’ll just be selling with my standard dealer setup, though I need to get some more buttons put together and new prints, too. But I’ve loved my setup for the most part so far.

– Of course, I’m also going to be doing that whole GoH thing in England this year, so… I need to get some panels put together and stuff. Which will be awesome, and brings me to…

Artist Book Camp/Campfire Sessions

– I’ve enlisted some people to help me with a Boot Camp, where I send out instructions for a 4 week-long course to help improve their artwork. I need to actually send these out so I can get going with the group after it… hopefully to publish the findings at Confuzzled.

– Campfire Sessions are livestreaming on a friday or saturday night (haven’t figured out which one is best yet, or how often), were I give a prompt and we all draw that evening and I’ll post everyone’s drawings for everyone to see. Need to get that going and advertized.


So far, besides gabapple and gabappledc, I’ve been wanting to get the following tumblrs up and running smoothly:

My Little Starsweeper

The Changeling Prince

Blind Derpy

Ask Conan

Ask Shin-Chan (with voice posts!)

My Geek Confessions

This is a blog run by some local friends of mine with a podcast and movie reviews. I’ve been on it a few times, but I’m hoping to get some nice movie reviews written up for it because I took many classes for that in college and, well, love movies. Good excuses. Mm. <3


Fruit Bot

The blog that my brothers, Aaron, and I have been planning for the last several years… I need to get a logo for it and get going on the content. It’s going to be all about our creative endeavors, including short animated pieces, fake commercials, games, convention stuff, etc…  in short, it will be awesome.


Project SOS

Which is a secret project that we’ve also been working on for forever… which may end up being a series of novels, some graphic novels, roleplaying books, and a game.. that I have actually been doing concept art for as of late… :3 It will be fab.

Oh and I guess I want to record an album finally, too, but of course I am shy and dumb and haven’t gotten around to figuring out how to do that yet… so uhh… yeah… woo!


(oh and the epic conan fanfic but seriously that is just a given.)


Somehow I forgot that I’m also writing three novels this year,concurrently. Well, finishing, since they’re all above the 15k line now… The Coffee Mafia, Fishsticks, and Saving Throw should all be done by the end of the year <3