re: The Wild Ones

(3:17:13 PM) Melissa: I wanna write a story about a lion
(3:17:57 PM) Cori: …
(3:18:13 PM) Melissa: ala white fang or bambi
(3:18:25 PM) Melissa: with hardly any dialogue at all.. maybe the animals won’t talk at all
(3:18:51 PM) Melissa: I’ll write it in 3rd person
(3:21:58 PM) Melissa: all literary, whatever that even means
(3:38:37 PM) Melissa: it’ll be adult fiction but they’ll put it in the kid’s section of the library anyway
(3:38:40 PM) Melissa: because they always do that kind of stuff
(3:38:49 PM) Cori: …
(3:39:30 PM) Melissa: and it’ll be made into a movie where del toro directs
(3:39:43 PM) Melissa: so it’ll be dark and beautiful and more disturbing and bloody than I’d intended
(3:39:47 PM) Melissa: and will win awards
(3:39:57 PM) Melissa: it’s a good plan
(3:40:15 PM) Melissa: and there will be plushies of the lion character
(3:40:20 PM) Melissa: and people will go “wait this is so wrong”
(3:40:37 PM) Melissa: because he’s known as the man-eater
(3:42:11 PM) Melissa: you know you like it
(3:42:12 PM) Melissa: 😀
(3:44:48 PM) Cori: …
(3:45:14 PM) Melissa: it’s gonna be good