so I need to write this big post about commissions (getting them done) and refunds (for those who are done waiting) and making a spreadsheet to make sure I get everyone squared away and doing lots of art and taking a break from taking any new commissions so I can do a spiritual journey of learning to be better at art

but I also need to include the fact that I’m not going to be at furcon this week because I wasn’t able to get a table and our finances are screwed due to being robbed + me being sick for the last 4 weeks and missing lots of days at work pLUS debt collectors keep popping out of the woodwork like WHERE DID YOU COME FROM WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT No I don’t have $$$$ to just HAND YOU what do you think we are scraping by as is gosh leave me alooooononeneeeeee 

and I’m kind of scared to.. talk about it.. or anything… 

but not talking to people doesn’t actually help anything and it’s just going to make this worse and I already want to go hide under something because my comic site is STILL broken and everyone is so disappointed in me AAHHHghfjkrsafd

give me strength to own up to it and be responsible please I am so tired and I don’t have health insurance still sob I am about ready to actually say ‘yo doctor i’m way depressed plz help me to stop sucking’ but I cAAANNN’T