
I stayed home from work today because we were food poisoned. It was awful. I’m sure part of my reaction this morning was from those nightmares and the subsequent panic attack, but seriously, bleh. However! I did put it to some good use by working more on my Fishsticks novel and, while looking for my typewriter (it’s still buried somewhere), I found my high school writing portfolio.

Oh man oh man so many things in here you guys. HIGH SCHOOL WRITING YES. I treated it so serious business… everything was dark and artsy and as I read it now I just can’t stop laughing. So precious. I’ll have to share some sometime…

…but it made me think that I really need to get some kind of writing portfolio ready for my website, since uh… art is easy to share online, but writing…? How is anyone going to know that I have some skills? (For the sake of argument, let’s assume that I do have some creative writing skills, k.)

I wonder what would be most effective…  I have an art series in mind for this summer that involves writing… and the mini graphic novel that I have planned for Dangerous Cute will have some writing… but what else? A chapter from a novel? A short story? I really don’t know.

Anyway, that’s it for updates. I’ll look for my type writer again tomorrow and work on getting my craft room set up again. I keep finding boxes of art supplies, and they need to be put somewhere productive…