Fandom meme: Magic Kaito~~

GASP. Magic Kaito, not DC? Interesting! Okay, here we go:

The first character I first fell in love with: Hmm… to be honest, I didn’t read any of Magic Kaito until I’d learned that Hakuba was in it, so… Hakuba. But if we’re talking characters that are Not Hakuba, then Akako! 

The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Aoko. It took me a very, very long time to warm up to her, but I do like her now, quite a bit. It took writing her to really understand!

The character everyone else loves that I don’t:  Kaito… straight up Kaito. I have come to enjoy some interpretations of him, and I liked him well enough in the Magic Kaito 1412 show, but there are some freaking annoying things that he does and I HATE HIM IN DC. 

The character I love that everyone else hates: Hakuba, though I think there are more Hakuba supporters out there than I know. 

The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Hmmm… idk I went into the series not liking Kaito, and most everyone else is pretty harmless in the series. 

The character I would totally smooch: Geez. Hakuba or Akako, probably. Though I’d be more likely to hug them. And then I’d hug Aoko. And Keiko. And push Kaito out of a window. 

The character I’d want to be like: Akako is a total bamf, though she does have that whole ‘evil’ streak…   

The character I’d slap: Kaito. Big surprise. 

A pairing that I love: Ugh… I guess I ship Hakuba and Kaito… at least when the Kaito is portrayed correctly… and there is character development… I also like Hakuba and Akako, but only in some settings. 

A pairing that I despise: Despise is pretty strong, but I’m not a fan of Kaito/Aoko… I don’t think he’s good enough for her, and I really think that the attraction is super one-sided. Despite being a perv, Kaito seems very demi at best, and treats Aoko more like a sister. Siblings and super close friends I can 100% get behind, though.