!!!!!!! OKAY OMG <3 

The first character I first fell in love with: Raphael. Definitely. 

The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: April. I was totally biased against her for the longest time because of the whole “you’re a girl, YOU have to be April” thing, which always ticked me off… but in recent years, esp while analyzing movie #1, I have come to really, REALLY love her. And during our recent 80′s cartoon series rewatch, I only love her MORE. April is amazing. 

The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Hmm… that’s a tough one, since TMNT encompasses so many different universes etc. I used to dislike Mikey (because of the whole ENFP thing), but I’m really fond of him now, too. Maybe Karai? Though, even then, I liked her in the Imagi movie but not in the 2012 series, and only because of her hair… which is a stupid reason to not like someone. And I’m pretty sure that NO ONE likes Venus.

The character I love that everyone else hates: IDK. Can anyone hate Krang? Rocksteady? Bebop? I know Cori hates Casey Jones’ sweatpants, but that’s different. I love them all. Let’s go with Zach.

I love that little guy.

The character I used to love but don’t any longer: *helpless shrug* Even the annoying characters are pretty charming. 

The character I would totally smooch: ALL OF THE TURTLES would get a HUGE HUG and a kiss on the nose and just omg let me love you all my babies <3 

The character I’d want to be like: Leonardo has been a hero of mine for many years, now, and even more as I get older. He tries so hard to do the right thing and has to put up with so much crap for it. ;-; 

The character I’d slap: Vernon, even though I think he’s an amazing character. He’s SUCH A JERK.  

A pairing that I love: Raph and Mona Lisa, despite the age difference. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched Raphael Meets His Match. 

Also, props for Donatello and April in the 2014 show. I am undecided if it would work at all, but it’s so cute and Donnie cares SO MUCH that it hurts. Oh and, Casey/April forever even though April doesn’t need a man… Casey sure needs someone to keep a tight hold on that leash, though… 

A pairing that I despise: I am so incredibly NOT okay with shipping any of the brothers with each other that I will never, ever seek out fan art or fanfics on my own in hopes of avoiding any semblance of it. Which is sad because I know there’s GOOD fanart out there, too, but I just… no. No incest kthanksbye.