Okay, my peeps. More lymphedema talk.

Monday, I wore the wraps for 14+ hours. They were burning red and painful by the time I took them off. Very, very unhappy.

Tuesday, I decided to give them a break and did not wear the wraps at all. By the time I got home from work, my legs were swollen again… and after sitting at my desk for a couple of hours, it felt like they were going to burst. It was hella crappy. I could hardly sleep because they felt so tight.

Today, both wraps. Legs still red. So tight. But not the same, deep calf pain as Tuesday, and by the time I got home, there was noticeable improvement. Took off the wraps, took a VERY hot shower and ended with a very cold shower for cool down, including exfoliating. Then lotion + aloe vera. The redness is almost gone already! Legs are nice and cool, they look tons better than this morning. 

No art today, ‘cause I am on the couch with legs elevated… but I’ll make a post about portfolio progress a little later on tonight!