I WENT TO WORK AND I GOT THINGS DONE!! it was awesome even though I was coughing and blowing my nose every two seconds. A couple of people sympathized, saying “allergies suck huh?” and then the PR girl was like “OMG were your symptoms this and this and this??? MAN IT WAS SUCH A NASTY FLU HUH?! I HAD THAT OVER THE WEEKEND!!”

I’m going with the flu. Yep. But I am mostly better, just weak and sniffly and coughy. 

At least, that’s how I justified going shopping after work. >_>; No, we didn’t get groceries, we went and picked up an ipad pro for me to draw on, which Aaron promptly put on the highest shelf in our closet so I can’t reach it. He’ll get it down for me when I finish my book.


There’s only 10k or something left probably…