



;-; socute <3

While, yes this is utterly adorable, I can’t help but feel that moments like this will make their relationship weird when Ran finds out…

…Sometimes I think it might be better if Ran NEVER finds out *is shot*

With how private Shinichi seems to be about his personal space, I bet it’s just his jacket and tie that she’s helping with. I mean, I think he’d have gotten dressed on his own… … … Well, I guess even then, helping him like that would be embarrassing.. and she’s gonna have to deal with conflicting feelings of BOYFRIEND VS LITTLE BROTHER and that’s gonna be weird..

… uhm… hmmmmm.


This is why I greatly enjoy an old fic that had the cure to the apotoxin (wow guys when was the last time we heard about that?) that aged him past his high school age to mid-college age. See you just skip over those awkward feelings as he’s taller and looks a little older and you don’t think he’s Conan at all :V …unless you really think about it hard ^^#

I think he’s just gonna have to confess – as Conan – who he is to her… and when she freaks out about stuff like this, ‘you let me do x and y as if you were a child as if I were a complete fool!’, he’ll have to say ‘but.. I.. liked that you helped me… because you’ve always been a good friend and it helped me get to know your sweet, generous nature without so much of my pride getting in the way’ 

or, ‘I kind of like when you dote on me…’

and then she can be like: o///o 

and he can be like: o////o

and then things will get really awkward but hopefully she won’t be as mad at him.

Also, college-age Shinichi? Mm.