The Hidden Truth


CarpetCrawler: that’s all you do is throw down truth bombs Beca, we’ve all just come to expect your wish honesty :V
magicbulletgirl: 😀
CarpetCrawler: don’t kid yourself :V
CarpetCrawler: I KID
CarpetCrawler: we all know you are always correct 😀
magicbulletgirl: you’re secretly in love with Kid
CarpetCrawler: now don’t kill me 😀
magicbulletgirl: EVERYONE IS 😀
CarpetCrawler: NOPE
magicbulletgirl: YES
CarpetCrawler: nope
magicbulletgirl: YES
CarpetCrawler: no way
magicbulletgirl: YES
magicbulletgirl: just accept it
CarpetCrawler: NO
magicbulletgirl: YES
CarpetCrawler: TOTAL LIES
magicbulletgirl: The gentlemen doth protest too much :V
CarpetCrawler: SHUSH

my jaw dropped at those tags. Carpet, I knew you hated Hakuba, but to stoop THAT low…. D:Â