It takes a lot of organizational skills to survive having ADHD






Seriously: I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, and I’ve used at least four different life-organizing hacks to make sure it goes well just in the last few hours: setting alarms, checking lists, writing things out on cards, counting pills, verifying my counts against preexisting lists, packing my bag the night before, emailing myself reminders, calling to make sure I have the appointment time right, checking my calendar on my phone and PC, and so on.

All of that is mostly so that I can get refills, particularly on my Adderall (which helped me do half of those things up there.)

Life with ADHD is like living on a battlefield – you need a heck of a lot more armor and ammunition than the average person ever contemplates using.

Yes, yes it does. It’s the battlefield that no one sees and yet is always under fire. And most don’t recognize how resilient we all actually are, which can be extremely frustrating when you’re having a bad day and someone tells you “you just have to remember that life continuously throws us curve balls and you just have to learn to persevere.” Because it’s not like that’s what we’re CONSTANTLY doing.

(Sorry. Rage post.)

No, don’t be sorry.

Because we spend days/weeks/months/years dealing with all this stress of trying to pretend everything’s fine and we aren’t actually drowning, and then finally we break down over something small, and people stand there staring at us in shock wondering why we’re losing it over such an inconsequential matter…

…and we’re like, “No, you don’t get it, it’s not this one little thing, it’s all the crap I’ve had to deal with for so long, and you don’t even know it’s there because I’m so damn good at pretending I’m normal.”

This. Many people don’t understand why I don’t socialize very much or why I limit the number of things I do. It’s because it’s how I stay on top of the things I HAVE to do. The only way I can is by having a lot of time to get things done.

this This THIS, I want to HURT people who talk to me like it’s all very simple and suggest I just write it down like wow, what a novel idea. I hate it when people tell me I seem organized, it makes we want to laugh in their faces. Naive affirmations from neurotypical people who don’t even know what ADHD is beyond “it means you can’t pay attention right?” are literally the LAST thing I need.

sobbing ;___;