








I didnt kno they had these

brow extensions

Okay but do you realize how good this is for cancer patients?? People with scars who can’t grow brows??? People with alopecia??? (Sp? ) like… pls stop hating the beauty industry.

people with trichotillomania

Yes to people with trich. One of my roommates reblogged this saying they didn’t even know they made these until they met me. And the sad thing is, I didn’t even know they made these until I did a Google search one night in a fit of desperation. I’ve gone to so many therapists for trich, and instead of providing me resources like this, they would often leverage the fear of looking ugly as motivation to stop. If anything, it only ever made the problem worse.

These save me so much time in the morning. Before I discovered them, I would have to meticulously pencil my brows on every day just to feel normal enough to leave the house. By contrast, I can keep the fake ones on for about three days at a time, and gluing them in place takes only a few minutes with a bit of practice.

I’ve been getting mine from for over three years now. They’re a bit pricier than the ones offered on other sites, but they last 3-4 months if taken care of properly (meaning to buy the site’s adhesive remover as well and clean them after each use). They also look very natural. Everyone who’s talked to me about them told me they didn’t even know my eyebrows were fake until I alluded to such or took them off in their presence.

This sounds like it could be quite useful for some of my readers!!

of course something ignorant was said about this product by the original tweet poster, but

reblogging for the false eyebrow site^^

really thinking about purchasing some.

Going bald during chemo didn’t bother me nearly as much as losing my brows. I’m not sure if it was because I had adorable wigs or just because I was prepared for that part, but nobody tells you how much the color, thickness, and shape of your brows affects your face.

I didn’t even know eyebrow extensions were a thing. Reblogging for my followers with trich and alopecia