*pulls up to the fanfic drive-thru window* uh yeah, i’ll take a fake relationship with a side of mutual pining and thinking the other isn’t interested, thanks
#*bored author’s voice over the tannoy* d’you want fluff with that? (via @amarriageoftrueminds)
#sure and if you can throw in an extra “sharing one bed” trope, that would be great.
How much is it to supersize to smut?
So if you get smut and fluff from a drive thru where do you go for angst and dark?
That you order from the guy in the trenchcoat in the alley.
“You want angst? I got angst”*sticks my withered goblin paw out from under the bed* psst kid i got ‘they both think the other one is dead for like seven chapters’
Reader: “How much will that be?”
Author: “Just a comment. Please for the love of God leave a comment.”
“Do you take fanart?”
Do we take fanart of course we take fanart we turn into big puddles of delighted goo for fanart