Even SLC international airport had a protest tonight… I don’t think anyone was detained, and only 100 people showed up, but I’m pretty sure it was more for solidarity than anything. The LDS church released the following statement:

“The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is concerned about the temporal and spiritual welfare of all of God’s children across the earth, with special concern for those who are fleeing physical violence, war and religious persecution. The Church urges all people and governments to cooperate fully in seeking the best solutions to meet human needs and relieve suffering.”

Aaron and I were talking about it and, like he said… how bad do you have to screw up for the extremely conservative and republican Utah to get up in arms? People are unsettled over what’s happened… I have never seen so much divergence of opinion coming out of the woodwork in all my years living here. It’s getting really, really interesting.

I also personally know several people who go to protests and actively campaign for the rights of others and I am so proud of them. I’m slowly learning to get braver…






9-year-old girl gives care bags to homeless women

After noticing homeless people on her walk to school in Irvine, California, 9-year-old Khloe Thompson decided to start her own charity, dubbed Khloe Kares. She passes out hand-sewn bags filled with life’s little necessities (feminine hygiene products, soap, socks, toothpaste) to homeless women. Thompson’s work doesn’t stop at Kare Bags though, she just led a huge initiative for kids in group homes.

Black excellence!

these little kids are out to change the world!

Protect this child

me: i should be drawing
also me: [obsessively refreshing twitter as national history unfolds]



Get more writing practice and have fun doing it with ~the supplement~

This tutorial contains tips about writing for webcomics, with my caveat that I’m not formally trained in any of this stuff~~ This is all just my personal observations and tips from the past 10 years of putting comics online, but they’ve served me pretty well so far! For some examples of this info applied to my own work, feel free to check out my webcomics at The Meek and Mare Internum.

All of my tutorials are released in lower-res format to the public 6 months after
publication at the Shingworks Patreon. You can access the full tutorial archive, as well as nearly 1.5
years worth of bonus content, by becoming a Patron :] I just wrapped up a two part tutorial about building and launching Patreons, good times.

and thanks in advance for not removing my text <3

Every once in a while, I get asked for advice about starting and writing webcomics and mostly I just start laughing nervously while desperately looking for an escape route, so I’m always really excited to see people way more experienced than me laying it out.

You always seem to have all the answers. What do we do to stop Trump? I feel helpless. I know of the elections in November for Senate, Congress, etc. what can we do in the meantime?




I took this question really seriously, so I asked my parents to help me answer this. Here is what my dad said: 


Here is what my mom said: 


Here is what I say: 

First of all, I am sorry for referring to you as “kid” to my folks. It was just a shorthand I used for them to understand in a simple way that I think you are someone younger than they are. They are professors/teachers, and are often tasked with communicating effectively with young people. (also, sorry if my dad misgendered you? I guess kid = boy in his head)

Next: Yes. To what my parents said. When I feel helpless I often turn to them because they are so blisteringly smart and compassionate, and if I seem strong and like I have all the answers, it’s because I come from an incredibly supportive family. I wanted to share that with you. 

  1. Furthermore, staying informed in the time of “alternative facts” is an act of resistance. Knowing is half the battle. There’s an app called Countable that will keep you informed of the latest developments in your local government and issues you care about. 
  2. Because our representatives are firmly planted in the last century, online activism doesn’t cut through the noise to them—but phone calls do. Here is a website called 5calls.org that helps you make those calls with a script, and is especially effective if you (like me) have social anxiety. 
  3. Here is a great “Stop Trump” reading list that @batlordart compiled. 
  4. Don’t focus on a mountainous goal like “stopping Trump” and instead expend your energy on things that will make you happier and healthier.
  5. Thriving is our first act of resistance.
  6. Don’t despair. I could vibrate with the conviction of how fiercely I believe it: we will get through this.

Is your mother a descendant of Nietzsche?

i will let you know



“millennials and their selfies are so ridiculous, i hate this “me culture”!!” in ancient rome it was perfectly acceptable to have your likeness painstakingly molded into bronze or carved into stone and then to display it in the common room of your house alongside the portraits of your ancestors so that everyone who came in could see it, and today we put these portraits on show in museums for everyone to see as an example of ancient art, but okay