Reasons for being away:

  1. Legs hurt too much to be at my desk
  2. New meds involve taking two sedatives at night, which is making me v nappy at any given time and v v groggy in the morning (will reschedule dr appointment soon to fix this; he’d intended to transition me to other things by now)
  3. I need to be working on my book so I’ve been cleaning the apartment and working on my new website instead
  4. Starbound
  5. Stranger Things
  6. Lady Dynamite
  7. zzzzz z z zzz z z zz 
  8. I think the sedatives are also making me somewhat antisocial because I do not have the energy to keep up with anything, especially scrolling through posts and/or dealing with people 

Seriously though I am gonna finish these rewrites and query agents by the end of August.