I’m working with Mental Health America this month to ilustrate #mentalillnessfeelslike submissions for Mental Health Awareness Month. You can submit your own by messaging me (I’ve temporarily turned on anonymous messages) or use the hashtag #mentalillnessfeelslike on twitter.
All of the Gilded Eeveelutions in a single post! I’m really happy with how all of them turned out, as this was originally an experiment with different pens and inks that just hit the ground running and exploded (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
I’m also pleased to announce that prints for all of the Gilded Eeveelutions are now available for pre-order on my Etsy! I have 5×7 prints for $8 USD each and 8×10 prints for $15 USD each, which are available in a Matte “fine art” finish, and a Metallic finish which looks amazing in the light
I’m also offering a one-time discount code to celebrate the opening of my shop on Etsy! Use the code GOLDEEVEE to receive 15% off your entire order when you spend $15 or more! The pre-orders and discount code are running until June 7th, 2016 only, so if you want your own copy of any of them at a discounted price now’s your chance c:
OH! I almost forgot! I’m ALSO selling the originals of the Gilded Eeveelutions for $35 USD each, if you prefer owning originals over prints!
I’d also like to thank everyone who has followed my blog or sent me kind comments about my art over the past few weeks ♡(.◜ω◝.)♡ The past 8 months have been physically and emotionally taxing due to life things and left me with hardly any time to draw… but I’m super excited to be drawing more now that I’m a little more free c:
Here’s the link to my Etsy shop if you happened to miss it above! Thank you all for your support (´,,•ω•,,)♡
This my dear friend (who I have no intention of drifting away from or abandoning) is called depression and is a big mean liar nestled in your head that needs a gentle PUNCH IN THE FUCKING TEETH BECAUSE DEPRESSION SUCKS. ilu <3
Maybe I need to be on a higher dose of stuff. T_T; I have a doctor appointment in a couple of weeks.
giant otters are technically like, an apex predator and apparently can even take on small crocs/caimans
him big
him pretty big
Size:Up to 6 ft (1.8 m)
Weight:75 lbs (34 kg)
Relative:Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man
do people not believe they eat fish and shellfish just because they look cute? god, what if we tell them about cats
IIRC they eat ducks and stuff if they can get them; they’re basically monster amphibious weasels.
That’s why they’re also known as river wolves.
Uh.. what did you think they ate with those teeth? American river otter: (though they normally eat fish and crunch and swallow the shells of mussels and crayfish with their powerful jaws)
South American giant otter:
And don’t anyone forget that even the tiniest mustelids are vicious/adorable killing machines that can kill prey many times their size:
My business’s ancestors
Tiny precious murdering socks!
Y’know that sort of impending doom feeling that you get in your chest sometimes? That fills you with dread and you don’t even know what could go wrong but you know that it will? And you can already see your friends drifting away from you, there’s evidence everywhere, but you feel helpless to stop it because you’re so tired and it’s inevitable, anyway? There’s no permanence in this life at all, just adapting and hoping that the next wave of change won’t be too hard to wade through. That maybe, if you’re very very lucky, you’ll be left with some scraps of the friendships and projects you’ve built.
Friends and jobs and fandoms and obsessions all burst into brilliant light and fade in a constant flow. It’s like life is a spider-web with moments of passion connecting all of the random threads together, but they give way to lulls for the next point of contact…
I’m adding a ton of art blogs to help dilute my dash of sadness.