
no matter how much you trust and love someone they will still steal all your stars in mario party


I remember being teased relentlessly throughout my childhood and my teenage life where people would say that because of my skin I’ll never be beautiful enough, they would even recommend skin bleaching products. So as a child I quickly realised that as a dark skinned girl I was not considered beautiful enough… At that time I didn’t know that it was the negativity from the people around me that was causing me to hate my skin and myself for that matter. I remember a time during school photos where a girl shouted “she’s too dark! You won’t see anything on her ID but her teeth!”, of course everyone laughed it out… And so did I…. Because I didn’t want to make it seem like I was offended… Their feelings felt more important than mine… After all growing up I was always reminded of how unlikely I was of ever being beautiful or finding someone that found my darkness beautiful…..
As a 19 year old today I sit here and say “I never gave in to skin bleaching”, “I was constantly reminded of how ugly I was but that only made me love myself even more….. I began considering myself as someone different, someone beautiful and out of the ordinary.”
Your skin no matter how dark it is that when you smile you can only see the glow of your teeth is worthy of love, your skin is that of a goddess and you should never feel anything about your skin but self love. I write this to all of the people that have gone through similar and worse, you don’t need to learn to Love your skin, the love is already there… You just gotta unleash it.

I would like to hear some stories of yours if you’ve ever gone through the same thing…. Message me on Instagram.
IG: YoungNubiie

Attention ALL artists!



You sure have seen this post. It has spread like wildfire over the past few days so I doubt there is any artist out there who hasn’t seen it. But even if you didn’t, you should read on because I’m about to tell you a handy little thing that can help you to protect your art from such assholes as the anon who submitted this bullcrap, as well as art thieves in general.

The magic word is Metadata.

Metadata is like an invisible signature that is embeded into a file. It can contain all kinds of information, like Title, date, keywords for online seach engines, and copyright information. And the best thing is, since this information is “hidden” in the code of your picture, it’s hard to remove it.

There is a nice basic tutorial on how to add Metadata, or “additional file information” to your images in photoshop. It’s really, really easy so check it out!

“Adding Your Contact And Copyright Info To Your Photos With Photoshop” on

I’m not sure if you can do the same with any other art program. If you know how to do this in other programs / can confirm that it works the same way there, please tell me so I can add the information to this post.

Adding the Metadata will not stop idiots from taking and reposting your art. It also won’t make them stop editing out your signature. It WILL however, help you prove that you are the original artist whenever you have to.
Always remember my friends. You, the artist, are protected by law. No one has the right to take your intellectual property and hard work and repost, use or edit it without your permission. Ever.

OP is talking about something images can store called EXIF data which tumblr can actually parse and that most image tools preserve no matter how much the image gets edited. Tumblr shows camera-related exif data as the little “i” on the bottom of images and not much else will show besides camera-related data(Author or Image Description fields aren’t immediately shown) but you can edit the camera name and model to source your art if it ever gets reposted to tumblr. This only works on JPG images. Right click your image and go to properties and go to the details tab and edit the camera-related exif metadata and it will show up when uploaded to tumblr. Even if the image was to be edited in photoshop or whatever.


Not sure if Mac users can do this as a native feature but they can use this []




dear fiction writers: 

as far as I know, there is no large carnivore who would abandon actively eating a killed meal to chase live prey. chasing and hunting live prey is a risk, as a healthy live creature has the capability to injure a carnivore, or tire it out through the chase. If there is, say, a giant pile of dead bodies to eat, which abandoning would allow other carnivores or scavengers to steal and eat instead, it makes no sense at all. 

please stop doing that thing

The sole exception I can think of is if the large carnivore thought the live prey was another carnivore or scavenger, and was chasing them as a threat display to ensure they didn’t steal the dead bodies. Even in that case, though, it would only be a short, mock charge followed by returning to the pile if the opponent fled. With possibly whatever the animal’s equivalent of “and stay out” would be. 

Another thing: most carnivores don’t like to fight. They have to mug something to death for every single meal, they have to stay in top shape while conserving their energy. Meanwhile, herbivores have plenty of extra energy because they eat stuff that comes out of the ground and doesn’t fight back, and they often live in big social groups, so they’re better at handling stress and more used to having to actually come to blows with other animals to get their way. 

So like, a zebra will try kick your ass just to see what’s up. A tiger won’t do shit unless it’s damn sure it can take you. I’d rather come face to face with a cougar than a stag— have you seen videos of what happens to hunters when a stag catches a dude on the ground? the stag tears the dude apart. Not even to eat him. Just because the stag didn’t like what was going on and decided it was time to curb stomp a motherfucker. 

So if you’re deciding what kind of Big Scary Animals to have be a threat, like, forget wolves and lions and eagles and velociraptors. Go drop in a moose.


“Is This Healthy” is a comic that I made for an independent study in which I looked deeper into the idea of health, mental, physical, and emotional as it relates to myself.

This project was extremely personal and I thank any of you who take the time to read it







EVERYONE needs to start using Invoices. This is very important.

Paypal has recently updated their TOS and it’s something that everyone should pay attention to.

“10.3h If you violate the PayPal Acceptable Use Policy, … you will be liable to PayPal for the amount of PayPal’s damages caused by your violation … You acknowledge and agree that $2,500.00 USD per violation … is presently a reasonable minimum estimate of PayPal’s actual damages … PayPal may deduct such damages directly from any existing Balance in the offending Account or any other Account you control.”

DO NOT SEND PAYMENTS AS “GIFTS” You will be risking your commissioners account and that is really really bad.

Artists, REQUEST PAYMENT THROUGH INVOICES. It lets YOU control how money is sent.

Commissioners, DO NOT SEND PAYMENT unless you send it through “for goods and services.” If your artist requests ‘send as gifts’ BEFORE you send payment, tell them about the $2,500 fine per violation, as they probably do not know about it.

Yes, paypal fees suck, but it’s better to have a few dollars missing than to get fined $2,500 for a $20 purchase.

This is really important! And yeah the fees suck, but it’s actually ILLEGAL to select “gifts” if you are actually paying for a service because of tax, like wise it is always illegal to accept payment that way. 

Please if you are a freelance artist taking commissions  ALWAYS SEND AN INVOICE! It can cover your ass in more ways than one, and you know actually makes it easier to keep track of things anyway. 

Signal boost- more than half of you who get art supplies from me take commissions, and you need to know.

“Use Invoices” is good advice, but please don’t forget to mark your invoices as complete after you’ve delivered your art/goods!!!  

This is the equivalent of having your customers uncheck shipping options if they send you money for Goods and Services!!!

1. Click on an invoice

2. Click “View details”

3. On the next page, scroll down and click “Edit Tracking Info”

4. Mark the order as processed, and add a note that the goods were DIGITAL, and did not require shipping 

5. Hit Save, and you’re done! You can now archive the invoice if you like, so that your invoice lsit doesn’t get super cluttered 🙂 

This is super important. Paypal used to charge a fee for EVERY transaction, even if it wasn’t goods/services related. They changed this to allow you to send money to friends and family for free, but please don’t abuse it! ALWAYS pay the fee for goods/services. 

If you’re commissioning someone, consider giving a little extra to cover the paypal fees or opt to pay the fee for them. 

Artists, don’t request people send you money through illegal channels. Paypal is a service that makes it much easier to send/receive money, but they have to cover their overhead, too.