


don’t trust people who are friends with people who have mistreated you in the past

9/10 they’ve already talked about it behind ur back n agreed u were “overreacting”

Actually this is a very unhealthy mindset. :c

I have been mistreated by many, but my friends are still friends with some of those people. Why? Not because they want to hurt me, but because they are…you know….FRIENDS with that other person too! To make someone have to choose a side is childish and honestly just makes you the pety one.

As much as it hurts we have to understand everyone has the right to make their own choices. And thinking someone is against you or conspiring against you because they are friends with someone who has wronged you can lead you into a very warped mindset of the world….and lead to paranoia.

They are agreeing about negative things your ex-friend said about you? How do you know? Maybe they SAW how wrong it was and had a stern talkin to with the person or made it VERY clear they didn’t agree with it.

Have more faith in your friends. Think positively.

It’s true. Often times the incident didn’t involve the friend at all… don’t drag them through the mud, just be mature adults and recognize that you can have friends in several circles and that not all of your friends have to be friends with each other.

Like when one of my brothers dated my bff and they broke up. He was so mad that I didn’t turn my back on my friend. Breakups happen. I’m not gonna ditch my friend just because they didn’t work out. He and I don’t talk anymore because he tried to force me to pick a side and he couldn’t handle it when I wouldn’t. NOW who’s the bad friend?