All is submitted, re: the book. 

It feels like my novel was picked over by vultures, but hopefully the class (and agent) will still enjoy the bare bones that are left. 

Re: work, this week was my one year anniversary at my new job. My boss brought donuts. I can honestly say that I have never loved a job more. Even on the really long, really frustrating days, it’s amazing. I love love love love it. I love the work, I love my clients, I love my team, I love my boss, and I love all of the crazy stuff that I get to do every day. 

A client today asked if I did voice work and/or video editing. It may be something that I will get involved in.

I am so tired right now. My brain is utterly fried. 

I want to throw my entire book out the window and rewrite it. I WILL RESIST THIS URGE and draw this weekend, instead. Or sleep. And watch some movies. And keep my poor legs up… oh my poor legs… I abused them so, sitting at my home office desk every night this week. :’( 

IT MIGHT be time to go to bed early so I can be awesome tomorrow.