Can you talk about your process behind coloring Outside the Lines? It looks beautiful!


I made a post about this a while ago using a page from a short side-story I did called The Ribbon and the Faerie actually! (Click on the pictures for a better look and a more detailed caption). The only real difference is that @atroxchobatsu handles the everything outside of the coloring in OtL, but his process for that stuff is pretty similar to mine.

(I am not a) PRO-TIPS:

1) Palettes. If you have characters, objects, types of lighting, whatever that’s going to be showing up frequently, make something you can keep off to the side and Eyedropper to keep things consistent.


First thing Atrox did before we started working on pages was made references for Sarah and Celie for both our benefits! I originally just grabbed colors off these, but even that proved to get kind of tedious, so I eventually made the charts below it. The three brown colors on the left are my palette for the lighting and shading. (Note to self: make palette charts for background elements that come up a lot, like those darn bus seats haha)

2) Make flatting go by way quicker with the fill tool. Once I figured out to do this, it sped up the process A. LOT. Here’s an example, as well as the settings you will need (I use Manga Studio 5 EX, they should be the same for Clip Studio Paint):


As long as you’ve got closed off line work (if not, close off the gaps on your flats layer, it’ll work just the same), it should work for most of your coloring. Make sure to go through and check for/manually fill in any little corners or pointed ends the fill tool couldn’t reach.

3) Mixing gradients/airbrushing with cel shading. “EW GROSS GRADIENTS!” I know, I know. But sometimes cel shading by itself is a little, well… flat. Anyway, take a look:


Hope that helps!



While cleaning out my room I found a paper that my therapist gave me some time ago to deal with obsessive and intrusive thoughts. Sorry the paper is a little crinkled and stained, but I figured I’d post it in hopes that it will help someone like it helped me.

Here it is again with text for anyone who can’t see the picture

  • That thought isn’t helpful right now.
  • Now is not the time to think about it. I can think about it later.
  • This is irrational. I’m going to let it go.
  • I won’t argue with an irrational thought.
  • This is not an emergency. I can slow down and think clearly about what I need.
  • This feels threatening and urgent, but it really isn’t.
  • I don’t have to be perfect to be OK.
  • I don’t have to figure out this question. The best thing to do is just drop it.
  • It’s OK to make mistakes.
  • I already know from my past experiences that these fears are irrational.
  • I have to take risks in order to be free. I’m willing to take this risk.
  • It’s OK that I just had that thought/image, and it doesn’t mean anything. I don’t have to pay attention to it.
  • I’m ready to move on now.
  • I can handle being wrong.
  • I don’t have to suffer like this. I deserve to feel comfortable.
  • That’s not my responsibility.
  • That’s not my problem.
  • I’ve done the best I can.
  • It’s good practice to let go of this worry. I want to practice.

WE RENTED A CAR FOR GROCERY SHOPPING TODAY, but decided to do an actual rental car instead of carshare, since it would be the same $$ but more time, but then there was a refundable deposit so now we have a car for the day and no grocery money. 




186 Disney Tsum Tsums! My stack is getting out of control!
( ॣ•͈૦•͈ ॣ)‼️‼️‼️❤️?????‼️‼️‼️????????????❤️????‼️‼️‼️( ॣ•͈૦•͈ ॣ)

The signs as writers

Writes non-stop but doesn’t share it with anyone: Scorpio, Capricorn, Leo
Writes like 5 chapters then gives up: Aries, Gemini, Aquarius
Writes like 9 books in 10 days: Taurus, Virgo, Sagittarius
In a constant state of writer’s block: Cancer, Libra, Pisces



what is it about capybaras that attracts groups of small animals to them?
Its not just mammals either its like birds and turtles and frogs too

look at this shit

They radiate peace

Wait for Me


Chapter 21 is up!

Relationship: Nanase Haruka/Tachibana Makoto

Rating: Mature

Chapters: 21/30

Summary: He thought he had overcome it. He thought he had grown up from the
childish fears of imaginary things lurking in the water. Well, in the
pool – there was always something in the ocean – but there was nothing
at the bottom of the contained space other than textured concrete and
rippling shadows from the surface. Yet, somehow, he couldn’t stop how
his chest weighed heavy even after he’d be done swimming for the day.

Chapter summary: A look at the simple life they’ve made for themselves.

Updates will be weekly!