At work for better or worse. Hoping I can get my projects done and go home early. Here’s the deer I left on my desk the other day, though!
Month: March 2016
I am pretty sure that this is the stomach flu. But I am getting ready for work anyway. Fingers crossed that I survive the commute.
I have written/RPed a lot of awkward date scenes, but the one I’m writing now has to be the absolute worst. o__o
If someone isn’t available during your most crucial time, then their presence any other time is useless.
This isn’t realistic for adults. I’m sorry it’s just not.
Don’t fall into believing that, “if they’re a true friend they’ll drop everything and run to be by your side!” crap.
As a responsible adult there will be times that your friends are hurting and you won’t be able to go to them.
There are times that you will have to go to work, or take your sick kid to the doctor, or do many other things that will prevent you from being there for your friend.
When your friend calls you and they’re falling apart and it’s ten minutes until you have to leave for work, you’re not a bad friend for saying, “Look, I love you. I’m sorry this is happening, but I have to go. I’ll call you back tonight when the kids are asleep.” Or “I’m so sorry this is happening. I love you and I want to be here for you but I’ve got to get to work. I’ll call and check on you during my lunch.”
Adult life is hectic and busy with important things all the time and unfortunately it’s also full of shitty things happening to people we love.
Do your best to be there for the people you love and ask for support when you need it but be understanding when being a responsible adult comes before helping you.
The idea that people need to be there any time you need them is really damaging and unhealthy, too. You can’t place value on a person or a relationship based solely on whether or not they’re available, no questions asked, whenever you need them.
In addition to the above: sometimes, someone simply does not have the energy to help. Maybe they’re coming out of a rough patch themself, maybe they have been busy all day,maybe a chronic illness is flaring up. There are a myriad of reasons someone may not be able to be there.
Obviously, if someone is taking you for granted, and never seems to care how you’re doing, that’s an issue. But to write someone off because their life and your life didn’t line up quite right at a given point in time, or maybe even on more than one occasion, is not a healthy way to handle things.
I bet Benji wants me to get my book done so I have more time to cuddle him.
sigh me up buttercup where can i get me some sexy flannel?!
The “I am a piece of shit and nobody will ever love me” factoid is actually a statistical error. You actually are fantastic and infinitely worthy of people’s company. That person you used to care about, who taught you to hate yourself by abandoning you, is an outlier and should not have been counted
And thank you, friends, who gave me supportive words. I will try to not give up! I WILL TRY TO BE LIKE SCROOGE MCDUCK AND NEVER SURRENDER!
Every first draft is perfect, because all a first draft has to do is exist.
Jane Smiley (via inspired-to-write)
Somehow this is the most inspiring thing I’ve read in a long time. I’m going to go write now.
(via joleebindo)
We finished Fargo season 2 today.
It was amazing as expected.