

Lymphedema talk. 

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You, my darling, are a tremendously strong soul. I’m so very proud to know you. Keep up the awesome work and maybe try a dusting of cornstarch to help a little with the skin irritation. Cheers to you, Gab.

I’ll see if I can get some corn starch! Thank you for the kind thoughts. ;_; 


#WIP: Pegasi are the best ponies. If you do not agree, I’ve got a cloud I’d like you to meet. LOL

Thanks to my three-year-old, I’ve gotten a LOT of practice drawing ponies over the past year. Not even my shaky inking has wrecked them! Huzzah!

Stripes and Starsweeper belong to @lemurcat and @gabapple. Positron Fizz (still cutie mark-less, LOL) is mine. Sometime soon, I shall color this. 😉

More Starsweeper!!!! AAaeei!

Cyber why are you being so nice to me?! 🙂

Man, the three of our ponies look AWESOME~ 

Lymphedema talk. 

Aaron met me at work and we walked around downtown Salt Lake for an hour or so, got dinner, walked some more… It was really nice, even though I was so damned slow, and my legs really started to hurt. The compression socks roll and bunch up, leaving deep bruises, and the wraps themselves slip down during the day, so the pressure is uneven. 

I’m lying on the couch now. Got home, took off the wraps, put on lotion and aloe vera, put on shorts (which I would never, ever do in public), and put my feet up. They itch and they burn and they hurt where the socks cut in. But I look down, and you can very CLEARLY see where the wraps stop on my leg… which really does mean that it’s working. 

My knees are in bad shape, but the further you do down on my leg, the more it tapers… it almost looks like I have an ankle again. This is just, what, two weeks of using the wraps? 

I would take a photo but I don’t think I could handle that. It’s hard enough showing my legs to Aaron, let alone the world. 

IDK. I’m writing mostly because I’m tired and my body hurts, and you’ve all been such great supports. I definitely wouldn’t have what I do without the friends who have been so generous and loving and kind. Thank you.

THUNDER! IT’S REALLY STORMING! I’M SO EXCITED! IT’S so great to be on the 16th floor! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Would it help to find some kind of desk that you can use while resting on the couch with your legs up? That seems like it would be useful/productive/therapeutic/whatever ..

Yes! I have a little… cushiony desktoppy surface thing that I can put my laptop on while resting on the couch, which is quite handy for writing and internetting. I just haven’t figured out how to art that way. Aaron hopes that getting me a cintiq in the near future will greatly help with that, too. 🙂

11:00 pm exactly, every night: