








I think it’s funny that able bodied people think disability prejudice is gonna be solved by cyborg parts, like those of us who will have them aren’t gonna be bugged with constant “Yeah, but you know, you still aren’t human in the strictest sense of the term, I mean whole human, natural and organic, you know what I mean…

And with capitalism still in existence getting implants or prosthesis will just be grafting planned obsolescence onto your actual body. People honestly think they won’t make limbs the same way they make other electronics?

These never occurred to me but you are right.
I can think of worse things.
Government control over what parts can not do for parts paid for with government money.
You got eye implants while on “welfare”. Then they better not be used for “immoral” things like strip clubs. Gps locks take care of that.

Government legs? You better use them for at least X number of steps a day to prove they were needed.

New arm but unemployed? Better have a job or it turns off.

A big thing I’m also thinking about is cyborg parts that are so specialized for one job-related task that they get in the way of literally EVERYTHING else you might want to do, unless you buy more of them, especially in the early years:

An arm specialized for factory work that’s so heavy it causes spinal damage and chafing around the stump area(more so then even normal artificial limbs)

An mechanized  exoskeleton so you can walk in an outdoor-type job, but nobody considered you might want to remove it to bathe or have sex because why would the cripples want to do a silly thing like that

This stuff is such a big deal and yet somehow a lot of transhumanists seem to have totally missed the fact that most cyberpunk authors are totally cognizant of what a nightmare hellscape future digital capitalism will be

And don’t forget the element of coercion/lack of bodily autonomy that will very absolutely come with having widespread mecha-upgrades that can “fix” us broken folks – because for sure, if disability can be solved with robot parts, do you think the able-bodied folk are going to trust us for long to make the decisions for ourselves as to whether or not we want those cyborg bits installed? They’ll be passing laws that say we have to get them or we don’t get accommodations we need anyway, jamming them into us as babies (whether they work fully well or not), using us to alpha test them, it’s going to be fun times.

I’m pretty sure we already do that last one with cochlear implants…

#like this is a thing i already see in the present? #when it comes to deafness and cochlear implants/hearing aids #and hearing people constantly sniping at us #like no i’m not getting a terp #why don’t you just put your hearing aids in #sorry it doesn’t work like that #i’d still need a terp even if i were wearing them #but even if i didn’t just seriously #wearing my hearing aids also aggravated my DEBILITATING MIGRAINES #to the point where i literally could not get through a day of work #without collapsing in pain #abled people just never trust us to make our own decisions about our health and our lives #like that is going to change in the least as technology advances #nope nope nope

Haha yeah that was my tags on that post. XD We are… already there with this on some of these things it’s just going to get moreso as technology progresses.

It’s already happening in the present with advanced prosthetics, as well. I would recommend the documentary film “FIXED: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement”.