

I really hate when a POC tries to talk about the lack of diversity in books, specifically YA, and someone is like “NO! Here’s a list of 10 black protags! And 5 Native! And 2 Latino! So much diversity if you look!”

No. Don’t give me crumbs and expect me to be happy. Don’t give me the same rehashed story of the Black kid overcoming the projects or the Native kid escaping the rez and their alcoholic parents or the Latino kid getting out of the barrio. That’s not what I want and that’s not what we deserve.

I want books with Native kids defeating aliens. I want books with Black kids overthrowing the government. Give me a book where the protag is a Latino asexual girl who has a wild adventure with her two new unlikely friends.

But don’t give me fucking crumbs and expect me to be satisfied. Everyone wants to eat a full meal at the goddamn table, you feel?


I hate YA books because all I see are boring white cis male and females falling in love over and over AGAIN

^ Reasons why imprints like Tu Books are necessary.

Yes, more diversity. Let’s do it!