Is it a thing with ADHD where, you want to do a bunch of things but you just can’t? Like I’ll want to sit and draw or talk to my friends but I’ll end up pacing around the house or going on tumblr. Even when there’s nothing important to do.




This is executive dysfunction: You want to do the thing, but you can’t do it. Sometimes you can’t make a choice because you’re overwhelmed by the options; sometimes you just can’t get yourself to start.


Further to J’s but about executive dysfunction, this might actually also be analysis paralysis. It’s something I struggle with a lot – “I can’t make a decision because there are too different many options to weigh up and compare, so I’ll just avoid it and procrastinate instead.”

– Prue

All of this is me just about all of the time.

Oh wow.

 This is very me. 
